About Me

Twitch aGentlemanCaller

Hello Ladies, Gents and Genders!

Thanks for stopping by.

 When I’m not working my fingers to the bone with admin and web design duties here at A Gentleman Caller, I do enjoy picking up a controller; playing video games very poorly and pulling my hair out. Some of you lovely folk may have already had some correspondence with me over my time here at A Gentleman Caller…

Now you have the opportunity to drop by and say hello in person-ish.

The stream is due to launch August 6th Sunday 10am (AEST) where I’ll be prodomonantly playing games; having a chat and a good laugh.

All are welcome.

Twitch aGentlemanCaller

– Sit back. Relax. Enjoy.
– No questions regarding displayed escorts on this website.
– No sexual propositions of any kind.
– No sexist, racist or homophobic remarks.
– Lets keep the profanity to a minimum.
– No self promotion. I have a hard enough time getting viewers myself.
– No spamming.
– Avoid revealing any personal details.
– Respect each others opinion.
– Be patient with me. If you’re expecting God like gameplay… I ain’t the one.
– Be a good human. The world will be a better place for it.


If this tickles your fancy, click below; hit that ‘Follow’ button and I’ll see you there 🙂

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